编者按:为了介绍“设计研究”(Design Research)的学术动态,促进风景园林学设计理论的发展,“风景园林新青年”联合《风景园林》学刊对“设计研究”领域的国际知名专家学者进行了邮件访谈,在访谈中针对“设计研究”的一些基本概念和问题,根据各位专家各自的学术特长进行了针对性的交流。希望通过这些访谈的成果,我们能够向读者介绍“设计研究”的概念,并逐渐推动“设计研究”尤其是“通过设计的研究”(Research through Design)在风景园林学领域内的发展。
Nigel Cross教授是英国开放大学(Open Unversity)设计研究名誉教授。他从1960年代就开始从事设计研究和设计教育,在建筑和工业设计方面有丰富的学术和实践经验。在英国开放大学他的教学工作主要针对本科生的设计和技术。他的研究成果集中在计算机辅助设计、设计方法论和设计认识论等领域。他的主要研究兴趣是设计认知以及通过产品理论原型和其他研究分析设计师的认知行为和能力。
- 传播有关于某一现象研究的知识
- 培训适宜的求知方法
- 形成观念体系和文化价值
1. 每种文化下研究的现象
- 科学:自然世界
- 人文:人类经验
- 设计:人工世界
2. 每种文化下适宜的方法:
- 科学:受控的试验,分类,分析
- 人文:类推,比喻,批评,评价
- 设计:建模,图式化,综合
3. 每种文化的价值:
- 科学:客观、理性、中立,而且关注“真实”
- 人文:主观、想象、承诺,而且关注“公正”
- 设计:实用、独创、共情 ,而且关注“适宜”
- N. Cross, Designerly Ways of Knowing, Birkhauser, Basle, Switzerland.
- N. Cross, Design Thinking, Berg, Oxford, UK (to be published April 2011).
- B. Lawson, Design in Mind, Architectural Press, Oxford, UK.
- B. Lawson and K. Dorst, Design Expertise, Architectural Press, Oxford, UK.
- K. Dorst, Understanding Design, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
best wishes,
Professor Nigel Cross
Nigel Cross is Emeritus Professor of Design Studies. With academic and practical backgrounds in architecture and industrial design, he has been engaged in design research and design education since the nineteen-sixties. His Open University teaching was mainly on undergraduate level courses in design and technology. His research has been in computer-aided design, design methodology and design epistemology. His principal research interest is in design cognition, analysing the cognitive activities and abilities of designers, through protocol and other studies.
How to define “designerly way of knowing”?
These are the ways of knowing and thinking and acting that are inherent in designing. They may appear to be ‘intuitive’ processes to experienced designers, but they are actually learned and developed through education and experience. An important aspect of design research is to clarify and articulate these designerly ways of knowing.
How different is the designerly way of thinking from scientific thinking and artistic thinking?
Contrasting design with the sciences and the humanities is a useful, if crude, way of beginning to be more articulate about design thinking. Education in any of these ‘cultures’ entails the following three aspects:
- the transmission of knowledge about a phenomenon of study
- a training in the appropriate methods of enquiry
- an initiation into the belief systems and values of the culture
If we contrast the sciences, the humanities, and design under each of these three aspects, we may become clearer about what we mean by design, and what is particular to it.
1. The phenomenon of study in each culture:
- in the sciences: the natural world
- in the humanities: human experience
- in design: the artificial world
2. The appropriate methods in each culture:
- in the sciences: controlled experiment, classification, analysis
- in the humanities: analogy, metaphor, criticism, evaluation
- in design: modelling, pattern-formation, synthesis
3. The values of each culture:
- in the sciences: objectivity, rationality, neutrality, and a concern for ‘truth’
- in the humanities: subjectivity, imagination, commitment, and a concern for ‘justice’
- in design: practicality, ingenuity, empathy, and a concern for ‘appropriateness’
In most cases, it is easier to contrast the sciences and the humanities (e.g. objectivity versus subjectivity, experiment versus analogy) than it is to identify the relevant comparable concepts in design. This is perhaps an indication of the paucity of our language and concepts in the ‘third culture’ of design, rather than any acknowledgement that it does not really exist in its own right. But we are still faced with the need to be more articulate about what it means to be ‘designerly’ rather than to be ‘scientific’ or ‘artistic’
Why is it important to identify the specific feature of designerly way of thinking?
Just as the other intellectual cultures in the sciences and the arts concentrate on the underlying forms of knowledge peculiar to the scientist or the artist, so we must concentrate on the ‘designerly’ ways of knowing, thinking and acting. The way designers approach and solve problems is an overlooked field. Designerly ways of thinking have been fairly neglected by most areas of education, even in higher education. The approach to design as a discipline, rather than design as a science or an art, seeks to develop approaches to a theory of design across all fields of design. The underlying axiom of this discipline is that there are forms of knowledge peculiar to the awareness and ability of a designer, independent of the different professional domains of design practice.
这几本书国内很难看到啊,Designerly Ways of Knowing只能在GOOGEL上看前25页,
这是系列访谈中的一个。 我请了好几位专家。每人从自己的领域谈几个比较基础的问题。然后几个人的合起来看就会把设计研究的概念、意义、方法都涉及到。这样的话大家对这个话题的一些基本概念会有一个初步的认识。这些书籍我们可以慢慢引进。因为设计研究本身在欧洲也是个比较新的话题,一些成果陆陆续续在近年才出现。所以我们还有时间跟上脚步不断引进一些新的内容。
Designerly Ways of Knowing已经由华中科技大学出版社翻译出版中,预计年内上架。翻译完成后,诚邀试读!
Designerly Ways of Knowing 这本书现在有翻译过来的了,叫做设计师式认知。