
A Participatory Design Practice - Kid's Reading Garden

by Mar 29, 2013
by 钟惠城 Mar 29, 2013





Classroom building after earthquake


Typical Hope School Buildings in China

Vacant Dormitory (Designers didn’t know the school was a day school)


Planting and the sculpture of Tao Xingzhi in the courtyard

经过与校方的前期接触与沟通,在SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship Program的资助下,笔者于2012年6月走访了拱星学校,并展开了一系列与设计相关的工作。



Handing out paper and pens


Local pebble and tiles

“Shifu” who built his own house







Kid’s drawings


  1. 在大多数画中重复出现的元素,反应了孩子们的共同需求。它们是:树、水池、座椅、小屋、书架等。
  2. 大多数孩子将自己置身于画中,利用器物进行某些活动,它们既有静态也有动态,有个体活动也有群体游戏。
  3. 大多数孩子描绘了一种围合的空间形态,边界由围墙、栅栏、植物、坐椅等包围界定而成。即便是阅读,孩子们也把自己置身于一个小屋之中。这样的空间关系可能反应了他们对安全感的需求。

Drawing analysis



Spatial analysis


Plan and section

Reading garden “being used”


作为SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship 的一个课题,读书花园的设计已经基本完成。目前,笔者正根据老师们对设计的反馈进行修改与细化,并同时在筹备改建的详细计划。在后续的工作中,笔者将代表风景园林新青年,继续推进并协调花园的设计和营造。关于项目进展的信息和援助需求,笔者将会在网站中发布和更新。



SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship, Ying-Yu Hung董事,Gerdo Aquino总裁


A Participatory Design Practice – Kids’ Reading Garden 


This is a public-spirited renovation project, a participatory design practice and experiment, and a journey following the heart.

Located in Gongxing Town, Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province, Gongxing Hope Primary School is a school rebuilt on another site after an earthquake. After the Great Sichuan Earthquake in 2008, with the joint efforts of aid party, local government and school officials, the school was rebuilt and put into operation in less than one year.

The planning, design and construction of the campus were offered and completed by the aid party, which Gongxing School didn’t involve in. This situation is similar with other Hope Schools in China, where standardized design and construction are implied.

With the launching of teaching activities, teachers found some inconvenience when they were using the campus. Particularly, the courtyard (teachers call it “Reading Garden”) is not fully utilized. The existing courtyard is mainly decorated by planters and trees for visual viewing. As one of the most important interactive place for children to enjoy during class breaks, the courtyard is not highly utilized. Teachers hope to renovate this semi-open courtyard to make it a real “Reading Garden” for children to read and interact with each another.

After pre-contact and communications with the school administrators and being sponsored by SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship Program, the author went to the school in June 2012 and carried out a series of activities related to design.


To understand their usage need on the new garden, the author launched workshops with teachers and students. During the workshop, teachers expressed their expectation of the new “Reading Garden”: it should be beneficial to the growth of children. Since the children are direct users of the garden, how to listen to their suggestions and sort out useful information became one of the main challenges. Compared with talks, drawing can convey their ideas more effectively, and the author could understand their real intentions more easily from the perspective of design.

In addition, the author went to nearby villages and talked with residents nearby, and found some inexpensive materials available, such as river pebbles and tiles, with which some residents built their own houses. These building methods should be considered as the construction method of the “Reading Garden”. The uses of local materials and technique can reduce the construction costs, extend the value of local life, and maximize engagement of local communities’ participation.

As a method, the author hopes to build a flexible design framework which meets multiple needs. Within the framework, children’s needs can be addressed, local technique and materials can be introduced, and local artisans’ involvement can make it easier for volunteers to participate in the project.


Teachers and the author prepared paper and watercolor pens for over 20 children at grade 4 and asked them to describe the new “Reading Garden” on paper. Children were thrilled, talking and drawing, and then handed in their “masterpieces”.

Their works exceed the author’s previous expectation. In this drawing exercise irrelevant to their drawing skills, children pictured their ideal reading garden in their unique way. The image described by their drawings can be directly felt and can smoothly convey their ideas to the designer.

Back to the design studio, the author analyzed children’s drawings from the perspective of design with these findings:

  1. Elements repeated in most drawings reflected the common needs of children. These elements are trees, pool, chairs, cabin/pavilion, and bookshelves.
  2. Most children positioned themselves in their drawings, engaging in some activities with particular tools, statically and dynamically, individually or in group.
  3. Most children described an enclosed spatial form, the edge of which is made up by walls, fences, plants and chairs. Even if when they are reading, they put themselves in a small cabin/pavilion. Such a spatiality probably reflects their demand on the sense of security.

Loop frame

Based on above interactions, the author designed a loop frame shaped by planters, sunken seat wall, raised seat wall, bridge and openings. Tree canopies, seats, fountain and bookcases and other elements needed by students are integrated into this loop frame. Within this relatively enclosing space, they can choose wherever they want to read or organize activities according to their preferences.

The uplifted bridge solves the problem of spatial division and circulation, and makes the existence of fountain under the bridge natural. The materials of the loop frame will be chosen from local pebbles, bricks, tiles and other materials. The construction method of the frame will be simple and flexible for volunteers to participate in construction under guidance of local artisans.


As a subject of SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship, the design of Reading Garden is completed. Currently, the author is revising the design according to the feedbacks from teachers, and the author is preparing a detailed plan for future construction. In the following, the author, on behalf of Youth Landscape Architecture, will continue to promote and coordinate with the construction of the Reading Garden.

Being lack of experience in organizing similar participatory project, funds and human resources, the author sincerely invite volunteers, peers and predecessors with similar experience to offer their suggestions, instructions and supports!


I would like to thank Mr. Miao Lin,
Mr. Zhang, Mr. Luo,
SWA Patrick Curran Fellowship, Ms. Ying-Yu Hung, Mr. Gerdo Aquino,
And all friends who support and care about this project

All the photos and captions are presented in the Chinese version above.




21 discussions
  1. Map says:


  2. Map says:


  3. dongli says:

    a very excellent work of low-cost garden

  4. 蒋侃迅 says:


  5. Nero says:


  6. jacklion says:

    不得不赞。好久没见到这么让人激动的“设计”过程了。 我也报名去参加建造。

  7. 张一 says:


  8. 王骁 says:


  9. 杨晗孜 says:


  10. 浅彩 says:



  11. jingyanxin says:



    赞扬的话就不多说了,发表点不同意见啊~~~~~那个孩子涂鸦概念很好,但是跟最后设计联系似乎并不大~~~比如孩的需求最后还是总结成了水 座椅 树这么几个通用园林元素。不看画也会这么设计吧?窃以为概念落实的并不够。


  12. 敏君 says:


  13. 家琳 says:



  14. 兴旺 says:


  15. 小宝 says:


  16. 曾赛梅 says:


  17. bj says:

    志愿改造和设计帮助需要的人 大多是弱势群体
    希望这个群体能不断壮大 成为一个系列的活动 具有一定的影响力

  18. 钱sir says:


  19. eira says:

    最后的图很赞,空间处理也很帅气。 只是更让人感叹的是师兄的设计功力而非概念演化过程。而且这个设计很不安全

  20. 张雪萍 says:


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